Trusted Source
- Building of the universal core to connect to different platforms
- Four components of the system: Candidates, Ambassadors, Company, Platform
- Implementation of VK.com app as the first platform
The application is a system of references fora job and candidates among the friends in social network

The system works as client’s application, its frontend and backend areseparate components. Due to this, content does not reload duringthe page loading, which provides great performance.

To test various methods, such as the list of vacancies, without aid of developers, we created automatically generated sandbox for API.

The intelligent system of notifications sending via VK.com API queues, handling exceptions limits of social network.

Full functional testing (Selenium) and automatic testing on Behat/Mink was used to ensure the quality.

A widget for employing companies websites was developed. The widget shows your friends who is working for this company, allows to ask their opinion about the employer and to ask for references.

- JavsScriptJquery
- Symfony framework
- Elasticsearch
- Backbone
- Require.js
- Handlebars.js
- Grunt.js
- Behat/Mink
- Selenium
- Redis
- GIT, Capifony
- First version launch (VK.com application) to verify the business idea.
- Chosen way of the project implementation saves resources on the development, and allows to connect application to other platforms in no time.
- 100% tests coverage