To make fault-tolerant platform Organization of conferences on individual cloud servers via REST API (full control of virtual machines for each conference) Saving of videoconference log on user storage Dropbox and Google Drive (uploading takes place gradually letting to upload large amount of data for high-quality video) Payment system Robokassa Organization of automatic update for the program VideoZvonok
Jan 12, 2011
- Design of the client’s part
- Design (architecture design)
- Programming
- Optimization of site’s speed performance
- Testing of the site
- Setting of the Project on the client’s server (deployment)
- Guarantee maintenance
- Symfony Framework
- Webserver – NGINX + php-fpm
- Database – MySQL (MariaDB), Redis
- Queuing system – Resque + Redis
- Testing – Behat + Mink, behat.org
- Deployment – Capifony, capifony.org

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